The following poem was sent to my wife and I by a dear man of God, Dr. J. R. Faulkner, on the occasion of our tenth wedding anniversary in 1997.
I took a piece of plastic clay
and idly fashioned it one day,
and as my fingers pressed it still
it moved and yielded to my will.
I came again when day was past,
the bit of clay was hard at last.
The form I gave it, still it bore,
and I could change that form no more.
My wife and I took five pieces of living clay,
and gently formed them day by day,
and molded with our power and art
these young boys soft and yielding hearts.
We come now when years are gone.
It is five men we look upon.
And they that early impress bear,
we thank the Lord we took time to care.
May God by His Spirit speak to each of us who have influence in the lives of precious children. Remember, the way for your influence to live after you die is to die to self while you live.
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