Tim Cruse | March 29, 2010
Urgency Begets Fervency
“It is time for thee, LORD, to work:”
Psalm 119:126
T here comes a time in the life of every Christian man wherein he needs God to do what only He can. Our prayer to God then goes beyond a mere form or routine. As in James 5:16, it becomes fervent, urgent, heated.
I think of the needs in my own life and family, the needs of many dear people within our church family and the need of our community for Christ. Praise God we have a Savior who is greater than our needs!
Purpose today to draw nigh unto God in prayer. Plan a daily time to seek the Lord or lengthen the time you are seeking Him already. Set aside an extended time to immerse yourself in the scriptures and in prayer for guidance or provision.
No doubt, there is a need for God to do what only He can in your life. The more urgent the need, the more fervent the prayer. It is time to seek the LORD.
“Ask, [and keep on asking] and it shall be
given you; seek [and keep on seeking] and ye
shall find; knock, [and keep on knocking] and
it shall be opened unto you.”
Matthew 7:7
–Tim Cruse
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