Tim Cruse | December 30, 2016
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and REACHING FORTH unto those things which are before,” Philippians 3:13
God has put this theme in my heart for 2017. There are many blessings He has in store for us!
Here are some Biblical thoughts I wrote down this past week:
• It’s easier to tear down than to build up because building requires great effort and commitment. Will you be a builder or breaker in 2017?
• Never underestimate the power of choice! It is God’s great gift to you. DECIDE TODAY to make the necessary changes for a victorious 2017.
• The excitement and anticipation of realizing the fruit of necessary change can help overcome the dread of dealing with what it will take to change. #ReachingForth
• DO NOW what you wish you had done this time last year and what you’ll be glad you did this time next year. #ReachingForth
• The thing you didn’t do because you thought you were too young must not be put off now thinking you’re too old. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!
May the Lord help us to follow Him with our whole heart as we obey His Word and reach forth.
I am all in for 2017 – are you?
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