What Our Founders Ensured We Must Secure

Tim Cruse | November 1, 2016

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1

As sure as God ordained the home and the church, He ordained government “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:2 )

Our founding fathers acknowledged the rule of God in the affairs of men. It was their pursuit of religious liberty that formed this “light upon a hill.” Believing that man must be free to follow the dictates of his own conscience, they based our constitutional form of government upon the principles of personal freedom, responsibility and representation.

Having experienced the oppression of tyranny firsthand, our founders ensured “We the people” would be heard. Many others followed in their steps and shed their life’s blood to secure this right to vote for each generation.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Ye are the salt of the earth….Ye are the light of the world.” Because we have been entrusted with a seat at the table of public policy, it is our God-given and freedom-loving responsibility to make our voices heard at the ballot box.

God’s Word is the truth that sets men free. If we will not vote for our Biblical founding values, then values that undermine our foundations will win the day. We must exercise our freedoms to speak up before we lose our freedoms to do so.

Our nation is at a crossroads! The ages old battle between freedom and bondage rages on. It could be that God will hear our cry for mercy and grant us a space of grace as He sees our faith in action.

It’s time to humble ourselves and pray, and stand up and speak out! With grateful hearts to those who’ve gone before us, vote for life (which begins at conception), liberty (including freedom to openly live out and speak of one’s faith) and the pursuit of happiness (fulfilling of one’s God-given opportunity) through justice for all (inalienable rights preserved by law and order). Those who come after us will be glad we did!

Click on this link to read the platforms of our two major parties:  http://www.awakeamericaonline.org/2016-party-comparison.html

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