Honoring Those Who Serve Us. Thank You Veterans!

Tim Cruse | November 9, 2015

“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”  (Romans 13:7)

I n Romans 13, God instructs us concerning the role of government to protect the right and to punish evil in a society. Because the heart of man is inherently sinful, a healthy living environment is obtained only by peace through strength.

When God is left out of our thoughts, good and evil tend to become reversed in our minds. What was once evil begins to be seen as good and what was once good is seen as evil. The breakdown of God’s order is reflected in a spirit of anarchy wherein every man does that which is right in his own eyes.

Inherent selfishness that is nourished develops people who will not restrain themselves. Unrestrained people will kick against restraint or the rule of law. This is why there must be those of moral character and strength to serve in governmental leadership; those who understand that there is right and wrong as defined by our Creator, and that right must be rewarded and wrong must be punished.

We cannot become gods unto ourselves and endeavor to reinvent human nature, identity, responsibility, and accountability. There is a God in Heaven who created all things and has established the home, the church and the government for our good. His Word has the pattern for each entity’s success in accomplishing His purpose.

We say “Thank you” today to those who have served or are serving our community and country. You are ordained by God and are His servant for good. For this cause we respect and honor you.

God bless you for your service.
God reward you for your sacrifice.
The worth of what you do for us
Is of great value and beyond price.

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