Tim Cruse | April 20, 2015
“But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” (John 5:17)
Jesus Christ is our great example. In this verse, He tells us how we work together with the Father to accomplish His will. He does His part; we do our part.
As labourers together with God, we are on the same team and understand that if the team wins, we win.
What does it take then to be a team player?
1. A team player values the good of the team above his or her own good.
• A team has a mission – it has values, principles and goals it establishes as avenues to fulfill that mission.
• As long as the mission is being accomplished, no sacrifice is too great.
• The goal of Navy SEALS training is to see what it will take to make you quit. Only those who refuse to quit under the most extreme circumstances make it.
2. A team player is willing to do his or her part.
• Is a giver, not a taker – starts with “What can I do to help my team?” instead of “What can my team do to help me?”
• Appreciates the opportunity and investment being made in him or her
• “Work is not work to a worker” – fulfilling a mission – willing to do what it takes to reach that goal – gets started and develops forward – always working on to improve.
• “Winners compare their achievements with their goals, not with those of other people.”
3. A team player follows instructions.
• Understands the principle of responsibility and accountability as well as the benefit of decisive leadership.
• Trusts the leader’s commitment and good faith to put team needs above his own.
• Responds without hesitation and without trying to deflect or redirect the instructions given.
• Staff members, like assistant coaches, point players to the coach and stir the team to follow his lead.
What we are seeing today is a culture in its rebellion against God and the order He has established coming apart at the seams.
“By him all things consist ” (are held together – Colossians 1:17)
Only Jesus Christ can hold our team together. May we look to Him, die to self, and win the rewards of His mission accomplished.
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