Tim Cruse | November 17, 2014
“That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God…” (Romans 15:6)
All of life is a stewardship. It’s not about what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us. Of all the things we cannot control, there are two things we can – our mind and our mouth.
The simplicity and power of this God-given capacity must not be over-looked. As free moral agents, God has designed our lives in such a way that we are ultimately at the mercy of no one but ourselves and Him. We get to control what goes into and what comes out of our mind and our mouth.
We either live to eat or eat to live. As healthy food is fuel for the body, so are healthy thoughts for the mind. Snacks are not altogether wrong of themselves; it’s whether you make a steady diet of them. Some things you watch or listen to are not wrong of themselves, it’s how much of them you consume. A victorious Christian is one who has learned that you are what you eat – physically and spiritually – and has chosen a healthy diet for the mind and the mouth.
A life that is fruitful is a life that is disciplined. Sluggishness and lethargy come easy – eat whatever, drink whatever, watch whatever, listen to whatever. It’s the life lived on purpose that maximizes its opportunity and quality.
The nature we feed is the one that will flourish. May we take proper care of our bodies as the temples of the Holy Spirit and feed the spirit man as we glorify God with our mind and our mouth.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (III John 2)
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