Tim Cruse | February 3, 2014
”that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” –Philippians 1:27
The ultimate goal of our combined efforts is to take the gospel to everybody, everywhere. Truly, people need the Lord and we have what they need – how they can know Him by grace through faith.
Somone has said, “Incessant focus on problems makes us feel as if our lives will never improve.” The more we focus on our problems, the less we focus on the needs of others. One of the best ways to overcome your own problems is to help others overcome theirs.
Get involved in a cause that is greater than yourself. Experience the joy of working together with others for a common eternal goal. God designed the local church to remind you that you are not alone and that through striving together for the faith of the gospel, others do not have to be either.
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