Tim Cruse | January 3, 2012
Should I Do As I Have Done?
“Should I weep in the fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years?”
– Zechariah 7:3
The people of God had observed fasts for certain special days in their history each year that God had not commanded them to. Though commendable, they were to be willing to adjust their disciplines to make sure they were doing what God had commanded with the right heart attitude.
Sometimes our spiritual disciplines can become habits without heart. In light of the new year, we need to ask ourselves: Is my walk with the Lord in need of some fine tuning and freshness? Am I in a rut spiritually? Going through the motions? Settling for a form of godliness? In strengthening the fundamentals of my Christian life, do I need to adjust certain particulars? May the Holy Spirit enlighten me as I consider:
My Bible Reading
My Prayer Life
My Church Attendance
My Witnessing
My Giving
“Dear God, help me to outline and, from my heart, act upon what you have shown me. In Jesus name, Amen.”
-Tim Cruse
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