Our Shoulders
“…they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy
daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.”
Isaiah 49:22
Our shoulders are held high in praise
for the godly seeds we have seen raised.
Our shoulders are bowed in humble thanks
for the privilege of training you to enter
the Lord’s ranks.
Our shoulders, they feel the commitment,
the effort, and wear, of all it has taken to
show you we truly care.
Our shoulders are the solid rocks on which
you sighed, they are the pillars of security
on which you cried.
Our shoulders have been exercised and
strengthened, and the opportunities
of those after you lengthened.
Our shoulders bear the impress of where you
once stood, they have provided a launching
pad into life the way they should.
Remember our shoulders, steadfast and true,
for the responsibility of these shoulders
will one day fall on you.
Stand fast, men! Teach your children to do the same.
– Tim Cruse