The Sun Still Shines

Tim Cruse | October 4, 2009

The Sun Still Shines

“With clouds he covereth the light; and commandeth it

not to shine by the cloud that cometh betwixt.”

Job 36:32

C louds do not extinguish the light of the sun; they simply cover it temporarily. No matter how dark it gets, beyond the clouds we find the sun unchanged in its radiance and warmth.

Spiritually speaking, God allows the clouds of sickness and sorrow to roll into our lives. Our days become long and dark. Our spirits sink low. Our faith begins to waver. Our minds begin to wonder: “Has God forgotten me?” “Has He failed to be gracious?” “Is His mercy clean gone forever?” “Will the sun ever shine again in my life?”

The Apostle Paul was exceedingly tossed with a tempest in Acts 27. The clouds covered the sun by day and the moon and stars by night. While those around him despaired their lives, God told the praying Paul that everyone would survive if they stayed with the ship.

Someone has said, “Sometimes God calms the storms of life, and sometimes God calms His children and lets the storms rage on.” As Paul sought and believed God, so must we. Stay with the ship of your family and church. Beyond the clouds of trial, the sun still shines.

“And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds:

but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.”

Job 37:21

–Tim Cruse

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