Tim Cruse | September 18, 2009
The capitalized name “LORD” means “Jehovah – the self-existent One.” Our God is the true and living God. In His omnipresence, He is everywhere at the same time. In His omniscience, He is all-knowing. In His omnipotence, He is all-powerful.
Psalm 113:5,6 declares, “Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high. Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!“ What a wonder to think that the mighty God of heaven can be known personally and, as our text indicates, is in the very midst of the lives of His people.
God is with us in the midst of our circumstances, our fiery furnaces, our storms, our times of want, our loneliness, our sickness, our family stress.
Praise God that He is not on the outside of our lives looking in, but on the inside looking out for us.
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