Tim Cruse | September 11, 2009
“The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.”
Judges 6:12
God oftentimes sees more in us than we see in ourselves. While we see our own insufficiencies, He sees His ability to do mighty things through the lives of those who will take Him at His Word.
Gideon thought that he did not have the lineage, the standing among men, nor the possessions to do something eternally significant with his life. What he learned was that God was looking for a man who would trust Him completely to do what only He could do through him. It was not about ability; it was about availability of life and nobility of character.
Many are those who have made themselves available to defend the freedoms of our nation. Some gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. God give us more men who will make themselves available to fulfill their duties toward Him, their families and our country at all cost.
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