Tim Cruse | September 4, 2009
“ Behold my servant, whom I uphold
Isaiah 42:1
It is of great comfort to know that we are in the hold of heaven. God’s grip of grace clings to us through the trials of life and leads us day by day.
There are times when all human support is taken from us. As with Job, the joy brought by his children, the encouragement his wife gave, and the understanding that long-time friends provided was gone. Though tossed about on the sea of deep discouragement, God somehow buoyed him up time and again.
Perhaps the boisterous winds of weariness or the thunderclouds of temptation are bearing down upon you today; dread within, sinking without. The moment Peter cried, “…Lord, save me.” “Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (Matthew 14:30,31) The Lord admonished Peter while he was still in the water and then pulled him into the boat.
You have cried to the Lord and you are still in the water. Let Him teach you something while you are dangling between victory and defeat. You are in His hold. He will pull you aboard the boat of deliverance before long – after He has deepened your faith.
– Pastor Tim Cruse
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